Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Determinism and the benefits of Taylor’s theory Essay

In Metaphysics Richard Taylor outlines the different views on the concept of freedom. The traditional view is that of the compatibilists which states that freedom is the ability to act, or not to act, according to the determinations of the will. It is so defined to make it compatible with the theory of determinism, which essentially states that all actions have a causal explanation due to the state of the world in the moment previous. However, the definition is clearly inadequate due to the fundamental flaws of determinism and its failure to account for deliberation or personal choice. A superior alternative is offered by what Taylor calls the theory of agency, but is more commonly known as libertarianism. In discussing a theory one must start with some data in order to prove the validity of the theory, and in discussing determinism this is no different. Two suitable criteria dealing with the decision making process are: firstly that we at times deliberate with the view of making a decision , and secondly regardless of whether I deliberate I sometimes have a personal choice in the decision making process. These criteria are ideal because they are both things that we as individuals are fairly certain of so any acceptable theory must account for them in some way. For common sense, a virtue in argumentation, suggests that it is easier to accept the veracity of partial self-determination in the decision making process than an abstract philosophical theory. To asses the applicability of the data to determinism a more in depth examination of determinism is needed, which Taylor defines as having three tenets: Firstly, that the theory of determinism is true. Secondly, that voluntary behaviour is free unless constrained, and finally that causes of voluntary behaviour are certain states, condition, decisions, and desires. The principle problem of determinism is precisely this last tenet, for what are the causes of the inner states that cause my actions? Where do they come from? Are they under my control? If determinism is true then the problem of infinite causality arises for the causes of the actions must themselves have causes. When applied to the two original data the infinite causality of determinism  renders these data false. Take deliberation as an example. I can deliberate only about future actions, but there are always causes to everything I do making the outcome of the deliberation inevitable and the process itself irrelevant. The incompatibility of determinism and deliberation does not bode well for the second datum, as if I am to have a personal choice in an action then I must be able to concretely execute any of the options associated with the action. But if determinism is true there can again only be one option due to the chain of causes thus negating the option of personal choice. A better theory, one that incorporates these two essential data is what Taylor calls the theory of agency, but is more commonly known as libertarianism, which postulates that human beings are frequently, but not always, self-determining beings. To further understand the theory of agency and thus its advantages it is first necessary to examine how it deals with the causation of actions. If an individual is relatively free in his decision making it follows that the individual agent can be considered a cause for the resulting action. For example, if I move my hand then the obvious cause of the motion is me and not some infinite series of causes. The lack of such a sequence of causes, unlike the one put forward by determinism, is an advantage for it allows the theory of agency to be rid of the problems of determinism discussed above. Moreover this allows libertarianism to incorporate the two criteria originally put forth. Under libertarianism deliberation becomes not just possible, but quite logical as it makes sense to ponder a matter over which I have control of the outcome. Then obviously, if I am at least a partially self-determining entity then I have a fair amount of personal choice in what course of action I should pursue. Aside from avoiding the problems of determinism, perhaps libertarianism’s greatest advantage is its common sense appeal. For example, if I am considering whether to order a Big Mac for lunch or a McChicken, it makes much more sense to me that through deliberation I can choose which sandwich I would like to eat, rather than the existence of some infinite chain of events that pre-determines that I will eat a Big Mac. It is of course necessary to acknowledge that common sense and simplicity are not absolute truths, but as Bertrand Russell wrote, in support of common sense,  in The Problems of Philosophy, â€Å"Since this belief [in the existence of physical objects] does not lead to any difficulties, but on the contrary tends to simplify and systemize our account of our experiences, there seems no good reason for rejecting it.† (Russell, 24) While Russell was addressing another problem the logic of common sense he applied most definitely applies to the case at hand as well. As a concluding argument in favour of libertarianism consider, the very fact of reading and grading this essay. If determinism were true then this essay’s grade would have long been pre-determined by a series of causes stretching back to before its very creation thus rendering useless the whole process. Texts Cited Russell, B. Problems of Philosophy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1997. Taylor, R. Metaphysics. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bread Givers By Anzia Yezierka

The correct date of the birth of Anzia Yezierka is not know but it was in between 1880 or 1885 in a village in Poland. Her father being a Talmudic scholar could not earn therefore the family was living on the money her mother was earning by selling peddling goods and also from the neighbors contribution that were thrilled they way the entire family was being run without her father earning anything. THE NOVEL BREAD GIVERS Her story Bread Givers is based upon the life of a 10 year old American Jewish female who is doing stuff beyond her age.This story is about Sara Smolinksky. She lives with her father Reb Smolinsky, her mother Shenah Smolinsky and her three sister Mashah, Bessie and Fania in a East side apartment in New York. The story opens with the mentioning of the family who are very poor with five women who are besieged for cash just to survive and the man of the house Reb Smolinsky is only concerned with studying the sacred text of Jews. The family is about to starve. Saraâ€⠄¢s elder sisters Fania, Bessie and Mashah are jobless and Mashah spends what money she has on herself just to make her beautiful.The man of the house Reb Smolinsky sits at home all day long, just reading the holy books of Jews and confiscating whatever money his daughters bring home, and this is his duty as a father. When Sara’s mother Shenah Smolinsky shows hopelessness over the entire condition, the youngest daughter Sara goes to the outside world to make some money for the family by selling herring. Than later her elders sisters also find some jobs and Shenah (their mother) gives the second room on rent which somewhat enhances the financial position of the family.Well behaved and quite Bessie soon starts to love a young man name Berel Berenstein. She asks him to come home for dinner. The entire family is happy for Bessie other than her very own father, who thinks that he won’t be able to survive as Bessie was bringing the most money. Berel wants to get married to B essie with nothing in return but her father says that Berel should give money for the whole wedding and also set him a business. This offer is refused by Berel and he goes out of the house. Later he asks Bessie to leave her father and marry him; this offer is rejected by Bessie.Berel gets engaged to another girl, which crushes Bessie’s heart. The next daughter to find love is Mashah. Her love is also believed to be inappropriate by her father. Her love is from a rich family who is a piano player by the name of Jacob Novak. Reb Smolinsky totally disapproved and somehow blackmails Jacob so that he may stay away from Mashah for numerous days thus breaking her heart. Later Jacob asks for pardon which Mashah does not give him and asks her father to kick him out of the house. Fania’s lover is also disapproved by her father who happens to be a poet who is poor.His name is Morris Lipkin. Morris is shown the door by Fania’s father again. Reb Smolinsky than finds his own suitors for his three daughter which makes them all sad. The youngest daughter Sara watches all of this and is very angry at her father because what he has done to her elder sisters, but because of she being a girl and her tender age leaves her helpless. Reb Smolinsky spends almost his entire life ready the Torah and other Holy Jewish books. He is living in his own world where there is only religion, a place which is highly unsuited with what the rest of his family are living.His entire day and night are mainly concerned on the assurance of heaven and contributing generous assistance to other people, which makes him not to realize that on Earth, a man needs to assure that his family are being fed before the strangers. When on a holy work, men seem to be kind and good and also they value the significance of the study, he tries to explain this knowledge to the outside world where sometime people do not even care what your reason is for not giving them anything and try to deceive you t hrough any means. The thing which is most damaging not only to him but also the outside world is he being extremely knowledgeable.He takes this the wrong way and thinks that the outside world is as knowledgeable as he is and at times makes some rather silly decision without consulting his wife who is more sensible. After his decisions thought to be badly made, he does not accept it and makes the decision to be more shameful rather than admitting that he was wrong about it. In Spite of the numerous warnings by Mrs. Smolinsky, her husband Reb takes all the money which he had gotten from Bessie’s marriage and invests into a grocery store which the last owner had fake stock kept all over. He is double crossed. Mrs.Smolinsky and Sara must again act quickly to survive and each day they get more anger from Reb. A day comes when Sara loses it and runs away and decides that she wants to become a teacher. She decides to stay with her sister Mashah or Bessie but because of a bad marriag e and being too poor she does not. She gets her own private room which is dirty and small. She finds a job in a laundry shop to pay for the room and her nights are used up in either taking classes or studying. The main motivating force in the life of Sara is to find her own description of light that she sees glowing from her father.When she was a child she desired for anything that would motivate her, like the poetry of Morris Lipkin did sometimes. She dreamt of becoming a teacher when she was just a teen, so that all of the eyes are focused on her like they are on her father when he is preaching. She manages to find books which motivate her day after day. She later gives up Max Goldstein as because of him she would have left her education, she calms herself by saying that this sacrifice by her is like the rejection of the world’s success by her father to better study the Torah.When she gets to know that what is meant by inner light, the first thing that comes in her mind tha t this she would like to share with her father, thinking that he is the one who will understand what she is thinking. She decides that she wants to gain knowledge more than anything else in the world and she gives her entire time and force to obtain that knowledge like her father does when he is studying his books. In her mission to find internal light, Sara is perfects her logic of fury at the unfairness by many people.Even though she has no sort of man backing, still she is tough to be angry at a restaurant cook who gives her a less amount of meat only due to the fact that she is a woman. She is also angry at Jacob and Berel for breaking her sister’s heart and her hate for her father starts when she sees that he is denying them a life of their own. This fighting of injustice is what makes Sara and her father to reunite again and this is motivated by the promise of her mother to take care of her father when she is lying on her death bed.When she sees the way his new wife is treating her father, she decided to live with her father under the same house. The light of her father seems to be finishing but only Sara knows that it is vital that it should be lit. The path that Sara chooses is not easy. She faces favoritism for being a woman and also because she is living alone, her fellow employees shuns her, her mother wants her to come back, her elder sisters who are unhappy with their life want Sara to find herself a husband.Sara is very lonely and when she meets a friend of Fania, whose name is Max Goldstein, she thinks of getting married to him but later refuses as she comes to know that Max is not interested in her but her possessions. When her father hears about this, he is so angry at Sara that he quickly says that Sara is no longer his daughter. For Sara another fight is her College besides the loneliness and poverty she faces, but Sara wants to live a good, clean and a beautiful life like the people who are around her.She later graduates and finds a job at a New York school. She gets a good salary and with that she buys better clothes, rents a bigger and better apartment. But this ends quickly as she gets to know that her mother is sick. Even though her mother is on the sick bed, her father married another women Mrs. Feinstein who is a widow living upstairs. She is a cruel woman who decides to take money from her new stepchildren. All of the Reb’s four daughters decide to stop talking to their father. Due to her unanticipated poverty, Mrs.Feinstein writes a letter to the principal of the School where Sara is working. The principal, Hugo Seelig after reading the letter becomes more close to Sara and their friendship turns into love after they get to know that they share the same cultural heritage. This relationship helps Sara to get rid of her loneliness and after finding her happiness she decides to go back to her father, Hugo agrees with her and the novel ends with Hugo and Sara inviting Reb Smolinsky to live with them, thus making Sara’s life a happy one. Conclusion:This novel by Anzia Yezierska is based on fiction; the story of the Jewish family of the Smolinsky’s is quite the same which in reality was faces by many Jews who traveled from the Eastern part of Europe. This story tells how did Sara a young girl to struggle and than gained what she always wanted to gain. This novel tells that good knowledge is essential. It is important that you look after your family besides doing religious preaching. This story tells us that if your strong from the inside than you can overcome anything in this world. Conclusion †¢ Yezierska, Anzia. Bread Givers Publisher: Persea Books; New Ed edition (May 1

Monday, July 29, 2019

My Experience in Contact Center Essay

Throughout my working experience, I have been a part of the contact centre family for 13 years to date. Today when I look back at how I spent those years and what kind of an individual I have turned out to be, I am glad that I made the right choice because this process has the capability to bring the best out of anyone, anywhere. Imagine getting the opportunity to provide a top draw service on behalf of an organization only by assisting the customer over the phone. Just with a few amendments and clicks, the customers issue is resolved there is self-satisfaction recognition gained from a CSE’s point of view. Besides that, being able to work together with a bunch of supportive colleagues even in unpleasant times, when there is a tense situation for instance and a customer’s call goes to the extent of escalation, I was able to control myself and work with my senior executive to get this issue resolved once and for all. From this experience that I have had, in the past and until today I do not feel abandoned, because I am willing to ask and my fellow colleagues are willing to share their ideas and opinions with me on how to confront the obstacle and make it a learning curve in my career. It is this special family like bond that I have been a part off for so many years now, and I couldn’t wish for any other challenge which constantly educates and provides me with a new direction of approach apart from being here, where I am happy, and best of all, I am home. The Malaysian contact center industry continues to grow despite competitive pressures from other markets like India and the Philippines, even though Contact Center Industry in Malaysia is relatively young but the growth has seen to be very positive. The main reason I believe is because Malaysia has multi language skills ethnics group and this is unique in the region, therefore we offer a good communication infrastructure that is a critical requirement for any good contact center service location. In this industry apart from taking calls, we can utilize as knowledge seeking & career enhancement environment. Providing more humane technical is support with diverse services & products. I feel proud that I am able to do my bit to help more Malaysians aware about broadband which is in line with the government’s National Broadband Initiative (NBI). And the main reason why I choose my career in Contact Center is because I enjoy challenging job that makes me think. I enjoy working with people and this is a job that will help me do that, at the same time my job in the contact center involves helping people meet their full potential.

Hot Coffee at McDonald's Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hot Coffee at McDonald's - Case Study Example If a consumer is happy, more business transactions can be completed. This is good for both the consumer and businesses. Â  Prescriptions should have a fair price value, although sometimes do not. That is why generic medicine is cheaper. Many patients want name brand, but the generic is the same ingredients. Prescription prices should be regulated like any other product. Cost of prescriptions should be based on manufacturing cost, profit, and loss. Pharmaceutical companies are businesses. They are in business to make money. Pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of helping people. Researchers might want to help people, but in the end, business is what makes the American economy work. Â  Pharmaceutical companies do not have a moral obligation to make lifesaving drugs in poor countries at little or no cost. However, it does make good publicity if they do provide lifesaving drugs to poor countries at little or no cost. It also makes business sense due to tax benefits to charitable organizations. Morally pharmaceutical companies are businesses. They legally and morally should not sell drugs that harm. However, they do not have to give their product away for free. Pharmaceutical companies are businesses, not charitable organizations. Â  The Doe Run Company should pay the costs of cleaning up Herculaneum. Despite the fact the Doe Run Company has been in business before EPA laws on lead, the Company has been violating known EPA laws for years. This is why the Company should be responsible for cleaning up the town. Willful lawbreakers should have to pay the cost for cleanups. It is not the town people’s fault.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Algoeithm Design, Analysis and Implementation Assignment

Algoeithm Design, Analysis and Implementation - Assignment Example This is done by choosing a comparison element and placing all the elements that are less than the comparison element in the first group and the rest of the elements in the second group. This procedure is repeated recursively until the elements are sorted (a part consist of only one element). T(n) = (n-1) + ?1 ? i ? n ti As 1,2,....k-elements are already sorted, we can say that ti =0, where i = 1,2, 3... k. Then, the contribution of quick sort when early stopping is used can be given by, T(n)=(n+1)( ?k ? i ? n ti + ?(1)) = (n+1)( n lg +?(1)) =2n lg +?(n) Thus, T(n) for quick sort =O(nlg(n/k)). Given that, insertion sort is done on a partially sorted array (unsorted k-elements). In general, running time of insertion sort is O(n2 ), where n is the length of the array (total number of elements). In order to provide a solution to this problem, the total array is divided into subarrays of k-elements each, such that k/2? n ? k, then n = O(k) and the running time of insertion sort is O(k2). The total number of such subarrays (m) would then be n/k ? m ? 2n/k., which implies m = O(n/k). The total time spent on insertion sort would then be O(k2)* O(n/k) = O(nk). T(n) for insertion sort = O(nk). Therefore, the total time for this sorting algorithm is as follows: T(n) = O(nk + nlg(n/k) ). ... Solution: From the above problem (1), we find that quick sort sorts k-elements of an n-element array O(n log(n/k)) time. Quick sort sorts by partitioning the given array A[p...r] into two sub-arrays A[p...q] and A[q+1... r] such that every element in A[p...q] is less than, or equal to, elements in A[q+1... r]. This process is repeated until all the elements are sorted. Algorithm for quick sort is given by: A[P] is the pivot key upon which the comparison is made. P is chosen as the median value of the array at each step. If the element is less than, or equal to, the pivot key value, it is moved left. Otherwise, it is moved right. Assuming the best case scenario where each step produces two equal partitions, then T(n)=T(n/2)+T(n/2)+?(n) =2T(n/2)+ ?(n) By Master’s Theorem case 2, T(n) = O(n lg n) In other words, the depth of recursion is log n and at each level/step, the number of elements to be treated is n. If only k-elements are sorted, then the depth of recursion would be n/k and the number of elements would be n at each level, the time taken by this sorting algorithm is given by T(n) = O(n lg (n/k)). 2.2 Show that we can sort a k-well-sorted array of length n in O(n log k) time. As the array is already sorted for k-elements, the remaining steps required to complete the sort would be k (using the results from 1), then T(n) = O(n lg k). 3. Computing the k-th smallest element in the union of the two lists m and n using O(lg m +lg n) time algorithm: Approach 1: Merge sort can be used in this case. It splits the list into two halves, recursively sorts each half, and then merges the two sorted sub-lists. In the given problem, the lists are already sorted; hence, the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Airline Regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Airline Regulation - Essay Example Also, back then, ticket prices did not depend on the time of purchase (Whitaker 7). If a flight was missed for any reason, the ticket is still valid for the next available flight and on any alternate airline flying the same route; all this without any additional cost for the passenger. Reservations too were much simpler – all it took was a phone call. There was enough room to stretch one’s legs and the food was much better that what is being dished up these days (The Economist 67). However, it is through conscious consumer choice - where cheaper prices were preferred to luxurious traveling experience – that the changes came about. Hence, this line of argument for re-regulation is weak and not sound. Much had been said about the reduced prices during the de-regulated period. However, there are some definite costs, though not very conspicuous. The recent plane crash accidents are a good example. The December 1994 crash of American Eagle ATR 72 and the ValuJet McDonnell Douglas DC-10 crash had significantly added to the public unrest. Analysts now generally agree that â€Å"low-cost† is synonymous to â€Å"high-risk†. The airlines industry had promoted the concept of â€Å"low-cost† travel quite successfully, but there is a lot of illusion attached to it. The advertisements don’t reveal the complete reality – minimum seat-pitch, cheap meals, inconvenient scheduling, etc. There is also evidence that security had been compromised on more than a few occasions in the name of cost-saving. In this circumstance, regulative restrictions on the marketing practices of the industry are quite appropriate. The regulations would screen for deceptive or unreali stic claims. It will lead to more factual advertisements that serve the public need for accurate and reliable information. It will also empower the consumer in demanding more stringent security standards, especially in light of the events of September the 11th. (Whitaker 7) An

Friday, July 26, 2019

Moral Effects of Advertising Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Moral Effects of Advertising - Assignment Example Creativity is highly cultivated in the advertising department and organizations spend billions of money in creating them. The media, newspapers, radio, internet, and television have been commercialized and host the biggest percentage of advertisements. The media has become a platform for sales, and most of its revenue come is from advertising. Most of them have adverse effects on individuals, society, and environment. People have increased their consumption and resources have are strained due to increased demand. Advertisements falsify products through their language and create products that do not exist. Advertising exaggerates product qualities and adds non existing features, which create a hunger feeling for style in the minds of recipients. This has eroded morality of advertisers, and they use all kinds of slogans to sell their products. According to Mukesh & Ranju (2010), advertisers use terms such as government approved even on counterfeit products. These slogans are misleading and deceptive and encourage unfair trade practices. They create differences in products, which do not exist, and en up confusing consumers. Insurance advertisements are used to instill fear on people. They create insecurity in the minds of people without insurance covers due to uncertainty of the future. They are very persuasive and create a mind position of the viewers that only an insurance cover can satisfy their needs. Such advertisements force people to buy or acquire substandard products or those they do not need. According to Allan & Paul (1997), the general public beliefs’ advertising hazardous products such as cigarettes and alcohol is immoral and dangerous. The congress may have passed laws to ban such advertisements on radio and television, but these companies sponsor sports events and celebrity endorsement. Health officials urge advertising agencies such as the media to avoid such advertisements, but these agencies are beneficiaries. Cigarette advertising is misl eading and encourages children, adolescents and other individuals to smart smoking. These advertisements use attractive adventures and several youths are lured to smoking and alcohol drinking. Some of these advertisements are associated with vigorous athletics. They appear on race cars and sponsorship banners and are accompanied by slogans aimed at attracting people. Smoking has dangerous effects on health and is a leading legal killer substance in the world. Women magazines collect a lot of revenue from tobacco adverts. The use of â€Å"slim† and â€Å"thin† in these adverts illustrate weight loss in women, which attracts several women into smoking. Berger (2011) argues that advertising has affected socialization skills of people. Socialization is the process by which the society teaches individuals how to behave: rules to obey, roles to perform, and values to hold. Traditionally, this was done by parents, educators, religious leaders, and peers. Advertisements throug h the mass media have taken up this role with consequences that are mostly negative. Billboards and screens are splashed with adverts containing celebrities and role models to several people. The recipients are forced to copy the lifestyles of these people, which include using products they were advertising. Models appear in condom advertisements, and this attracts several teens to sexual activities. An advantage of such an advertisement is that, they use protection and avoid STDs and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

About drinking Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About drinking - Article Example The habit of drinking influences the way youth thinks about different aspects of life. Drinking also influences the youth’s perception of norms and values and the concept of good and bad. Excessive drinking becomes a habit of young adults when there is no one to stop them. Excessive drinking makes such adults cross the boundaries of ethics and moral. Drinking also creates a number of risks for the health of people. â€Å"Too much alcohol can lead to serious problems† (Zelman, 2005). Some of the widely observed risks are related to think abilities, liver’s functions, and hormonal changes. Drinking adversely affects the decision-making abilities of a young adult. Excessive drinking makes adults forget their moral and ethics. â€Å"Alcohol can activate a gene that has been linked to depression and other mental issues† (James, 2008). Excessive drinking not only create problems for the drinkers but also for the people whom they live with. Youth tends to be influenced easily by doing or watching any such thing, which inspires them. There are a number of causes of the rise of drinking habit in youth. Some of the major causes include influence caused by parents who are also habitual drinkers, escapism, problems in love life, and appreciation of the peers. â€Å"One of the common reasons why teenagers drink is because they have watched their parents rely on the bottle† (Lad, n.d.). When children grow up watching their parents drink, they also go for it because the behavior of parents puts a considerable effect on the minds of the children. â€Å"One of the causes of teenage drinking is that it soon becomes an addiction without youngsters realizing the negative effects† (Lad, n.d.). Many young people drink in order to escape from the hardships of life, such as, poor performance in school and college, problems in love life, and getting out of depression. Social influence is another major factor behind increase in the use of alcoholic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ortentalism and Race in Disney Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ortentalism and Race in Disney Movie - Essay Example Racism allegations spread across all media and is not fully a confinement of print media or visual media. In the recent past, social media has played a prominent role in fuelling the already critical and unfortunate situation. The other angle is that there are counter blames between the white Americans and the non-white citizens on who propagated discord. For instance, the ugly face of the media came to the fore on social media in what was supposed to be a celebratory moment. This was when Davuliri an Indian born American citizen lifted the Miss America tittle.Events following this was a social media washed with racist slurs. It went to the extent of her being branded a racist and an Arab with links to 9/11 terrorist attacks (David 33-36). Selective reporting is rife in contemporary America. The story printed or aired to the public takes a certain dimension depending on the race of the writer and the race of the person or group he writes reports. In most cases, tabloid sensationalism and racial baiting are used by the media in their prints to score misleading ratings and political mileage. A recent example is the George Zimmerman case that the media hijacked to fuel racism. There was information spilling all through the various media types that Martin’s death resulted from racial profiling (Wise 39-43). Writers pulling stances in their publication are high profiled writers with a wealth of media experience. They command a large readership following which offers them a vantage position in spreading hate and in-depth discord among the American population. The motive behind these writers work on selective coverage and covering races they attack is a challenge to establish. Sources from some quarters have established that historical injustices faced by some races have resulted to media partiality. It is alleged that a section of the media are determined to work up emotions of members emanating from the same race. This is to remind them and portray other

Psychological Testing and Assessment and the DSM Essay

Psychological Testing and Assessment and the DSM - Essay Example All the data and information from case history data is crucial in helping test administrators to gain good understanding of the test taker’s pattern of behavior. With case history data, therapists are able to develop and draw a relevant context on which to make reliable interpretation of current data about a client’s condition. As described by Cohen, Sturman and Swerdlik (2013), clinical psychology concerns with diagnosis, prevention and treatment of extremely abnormal behaviors. Clinical psychologists consider clinical interviews as part of instruments for collecting information about clients with reference to their behaviors that cause suspicion. Clinical interview then is an instrument or tool of assessment usually used by clinical psychologists to understand the actual condition of a test taker to determine their appropriateness to take tests. Cohen, Sturman and Swerdlik (2013) point that clinical interviews have helped clinicians to understand the possibility of a test taker harming self before, during and after a test and subjection to treatment. In most cases, clinical interviews have proved to be effective ways that clinicians and clients negotiate terms to establish competent contract to guide through treatment. This is to mean that clinicians use clinical interviews in consultation with clients t o establish goals, mutual obligations and expectations during and at the end of a therapy. Good clinical interviewers seek to set a positive ground and atmosphere for interview (Ployhart & MacKenzie, 2011). In most cases, seasoned interviewers begin interviews by open-ended questions and later as they gain trust and confidence of test takers, drive into closed questions. There are different forms of interviews that clinicians can administer to test takers. The type of an interview for a given psychological measurement depends on various factors such as appearance, current psychological

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Research Paper

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity - Research Paper Example Proper paraphrasing should involve using your own word to express another person’s idea. Nevertheless, you should still acknowledge the original source of the idea through in text citation and in the reference page. However, rearranging word in a statement entails copying someone’s idea, which is equivalents to plagiarizing (Walden University, 2012).   The third thing I learnt about plagiarism is when I am supposed to cite sources. From the weeks readings, I have learnt that I should always cite direct quotes from other peoples work, paraphrased or summarized ideas, statistical information, when not sure if a certain concept require citation and whenever I make use of any source that contains someone else idea (City College of San Francisco , 2011; Prentice Hall Companion, 2011). This knowledge is crucial and will enable me to indicate the original source of information I may use in my own writing always. This is crucial since it will enable me build my academic integrity and avoid mishaps such as cancelation of assignments. Acknowledging other people’s ideas will enable me to become a responsible student since I will be recognizing the people who have played a role in my learning. Academic integrity is important because it helps in development of honesty and responsible. Academic integrity means being able to respect other people’s work by being able to distinguish my ideas and acknowledging those of others. Academic integrity helps in establishment of dignity between the students, instructors and the entire institution. Additionally, academic integrity enables creation of an environment when students are able to triumph out of their own efforts (Walden University, 2012).   An institution that emboldens academic integrity enables the students to develop their own philosophies. Instructors are able to identify the students input into a piece of work when they acknowledge other

Monday, July 22, 2019

Aluminum smelter in South Africa Essay Example for Free

Aluminum smelter in South Africa Essay We recommend you do not build this new Greenfield primary aluminum smelter in South Africa. In order to achieve a 15% ROI on your investment, you require a long-term average price of $1500 for aluminum. We have estimated that demand for primary aluminum in 5 years will be at $20bn, which will support a market price of around $1490. This heavily builds on the assumption that aluminum inventories will be zero by that time, which depends on a successful implementation of the international Memorandum of Understanding. Historically these non-binding agreements have been very hard to enforce, and so a scenario where supply is far greater than demand is likely, leading to large inventories and lower prices. It is because of this uncertainty that we recommend you do not build the plant. Back-up calculations: 1.ROI calculation: Given investment costs of $1.6bn, full capacity of 466,000 t/year and an ROI requirement of 15%, we calculated that you require a price of $1,500 per ton of aluminum. 2.In the short run, all smelters need to cover variable costs, which include electricity, alumina, other material costs and freight cost. In the long-run, they need to cover total costs. a.The current price ($1,100) covers variable costs for 20 million tons of capacity; the long-run price will have to be higher. b.Smelters may hesitate to scale down production of individual pots, as this will still incur costs of labour or other non-material costs, as well as additional costs in having to rebuild and reline the pots. c.Not all producers are subject to the same pressures, e.g., variable costs differ significantly between different smelters (different size, efficiency, tax breaks, power agreements). Government-run facilities may have more financial support due to their social role in addition to pure production, such as securing raw materials supply for domestic industries, as well as providing jobs for local communities. 3.Given a CAGR of 2% per year, we estimate total aluminum demand to be 27 million tons in 1998. Assuming that inventories are zero, and primary demand accounts for 74% of total supply, this would imply primary demand of 20 million tons. 4.To produce 20 million tons, the price would be around $1,490 per ton. 5.The reduction in inventories and stabilization of the price level depends on the success of the MoU. Other producers may not look favorably on you opening a new smelter when they have had to cut down on production.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nursing Information Systems Survey

Nursing Information Systems Survey Study of Nursing Information Systems (NIS) in teaching hospital of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Leila Erfannial Msc1,Yousef Mehdipour PhD 1,Afsaneh Karimi Msc 1,Ayeshe Zarei Bs 1,Nahid Mehrabi Msc 2 ABSTRACT Purpose: Nurses are one of the biggest providers in health industry that effect directly on health service quality and outcomes. Nurses need correct information in correct time to have an effective service for patient and other member of health society. Nursing information system (NIS) is subsystem of hospital information system that can help nurse to have better performances. The main goal of this study is evaluation of nursing information system in teaching hospital of Zahedan according standard criteria. Materials and Methods: This research is based on a descriptive – cross sectional study that has done on 2013.Nursing information system of 4 teaching hospital in Zahedan were evaluated. For data gathering, we use a checklist that its reliability and validity was verified. Results: According our result, NIS of our study has met 42.19% of priority in general scopes, 72.33% for nursing data set, none of them had classification system standards. They had 45% of nursing data register priorities and 61.12% of report requirement was met. Conclusion: According our system weakness in general aspects, data register and data classification, we propose educational package such as workshops, classes and bulletin for nurses in hospitals toward optimal using of NIS. In other hand , provide nurses with enough hardware requirements , management supervision on using system , provide NIS systems by nursing classification standards and contribution of nurses in selection and implementation of this system is suggested. Keywords: nursing information system; hospital information system; nurse INTRODUCTION There is an increasing growth in information production in different sciences and theqnics, so the management of these volumes of information is very difficult. Information technology is a useful tool for management and useful application of this information. Health industry has faced with increasing rate of information generation that are multiple and complicated in nature1. So health information technology can help this high-demanded industry to manage information. Health information systems are some kinds of tools that integrate and communicate patient data and information and also can process the data and make some new information2. Nurses are one of the biggest providers in health industry that effect directly on health service quality and outcomes. Nurses need correct information in correct time to have an effective service for patient and other member of health society3. Nursing information system (NIS) are subsystem of hospital information system that can help nurse to have better performances, more nursing knowledge and make available data and information for nurses to have a role in health policy making and also decision making around health society and patients4. Furthermore, NIS can participate in hospital information process so lead to a better communication between health care team in hospital 5 . Margaretconclude that using NIS in hospital has a positive effect on information quality that provide by nurses6 .Ammenwerth state that NIS lead to better and more complete documentation of patient information and also better quality of information process5 .Toolabi in her study conclude that optimization of hospital information system would lead to a significant progress in nursing care average and better communication between nurses , patient and health care team and consequently patient more truth to health system ,health services and nurses, more patient family satisfaction and at the end , decrease patient claims7. Zahedan, the capital city of a province in southeast of Iran uses hospital information system in teaching hospital. Nursing information system is one this system module that use in these hospitals. So the basic objective of this study is to evaluate Nursing information system according standard indexes in four sections: general specification of systems, nursing data set , nursing nomenclature and classification specification , documentation registration and reporting specification of systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research is based on a descriptive – cross sectional study that has done on 2013.nursing information system of 4 teaching hospital in Zahedan were evaluated. For data gathering, we use a checklist that its reliability and validity was verified. Checklist has 5 section at whole: section 1 has some questions about the system, vendor and some general information about NIS module, section 2 was about general specification of nursing information system. The questions has two answers yes or no.this section involve 23 question about patient care process,11 about ward management process, 10 about communication process and 1 question research and education section 3 , we have some questions about nursing data set that involve 5 question about nursing care data specification, 15 about patient data specification and 14 about service providing data specifications. Section 4 has some question about nursing nomenclature and classification data specification with 25 questions and in section 5 nursing data, registration and reporting requirements were evaluated by 6 questions about personnelreport, 14 questions about clinical report and 3 about financial report. The researchers attended in hospitals and by deep interviewing and also direct observation of systems, gather information and register in checklists. Supervisor of hospital, health information technologist and some professional nurse who uses NIS and familiar with the potential of system was interviewed; furthermore, during interview the researchers can observe the NIS and its functions. After gathering information, we use descriptive statistics to analysis our data by using Excel 2010 tables. RESULTS According our study, general specification of our NIS was evaluated in 5 aspects and 4 hospitals.(table 1) At whole, the frequency of patient care process data specification was 44/56%, ward management data specification was 31.81%, communication process data specification 47.5% and education and research data specification was 50% in our society research. Nursing data set was evaluated in 4 aspects in 4 hospitals: nursing care data set , patient data set, service data set (table 2) According our study , nursing care data set specification was 40% , patient data set specification was 71.66% and service data set specification was 84%. None of our NIS , has nursing classification standards specification data. Data registration and reporting specification data was evaluated in 4 aspects.(table 3) DISCUSSION Information technology making a great service for nurses to perform their tasks8. According our result, by using NIS in all hospital, nurses can receive patient demographic data from admission,discharge,and transmission (ADT) system of hospitals and also can register of different request such as laboratory tests, radiology and pharmacy services. And also they can observe laboratory and radiology results. But none of NIS support nursing evidence based and alert variances from normal patterns. According Ammenwerthstudy, after using information systems, nurses report more quickly patient data documentation, better information monitoring and progress in patient information legibility5. Kossman state that electronic health record implementation in hospital lead to decrease inter-department communication and promote critical thinking between nurses9. Making electronic communication between different parts of hospital is one of the most important capabilities of hospital information systems. According our study, by using nursing information system, in all hospital, nurses can schedule the admission of patients in their wards. Nurses in hospitals can access to information in every place of hospital. In hospital Cand D , nurses can transmit all information by NIS when changing their shifts. According Hinsonstudy , using NIS would lead to the time increasethat nurses spend on patient direct care (10.66%) ,verbal communication 19.33% decrease and mean time for reviewing data 8.9% increase10. Standard NIS needs nursing concepts standards and nursing data standards3. Without unified nursing language , internal data integration and external connection of information would disappear when information are shared and also there would be some problem for clinical decision other hand , nursing information are unstructured generally , so if we don’t use a standard unified language , the retrieval of information would be difficult11. Result of our study show that, none of NIS in Zahedan hospital use standard nursing classification. This issue is very similar to Ahmadi research, they suggest standard nursing classification system for standardization of nursing data and concept to facilities retrieval of information that register in nursing information system12. All NIS in our study, register patient demographic data , nursing diagnostic data and data about service provided by nurses can record ECG hospital C and D , patient vital signs and input-output liquid balance data , can enter to the terminal near patient bed. Anderson state that a standard nursing data set should involve nursing diagnostic data , nursing intervention , nursing outcome and intensity of nursing services and declare , by using such standard data set , management of nursing service cost , supporting of resources that allocated to the nurses , nursing knowledge developed and at the end nursing nursing profession would be promoted13. Making different reports is one of basic management capability of nursing information system that can provide valuable information about personnel productivity, budget management and nursing workload management in different shifts14. In hospital A,B and D , NIS making schedule for personnelshifts. All NIS , can make clinical reports such as laboratory and pathology report and reports about admitted or discharged patients. In Ahmadi study, reporting specification data was met 20.4%,63.5% and 85.2% in personnel , clinical and financial reports4. CONCLUSION Nurses have a great role in health care systems so documentation of their services would be very easy by using nursing information if we want to implement an effective NIS , at first , we should implement a powerful HIS as an infrastructure for any hospital ward subsystem. Nurses are the biggest group of NIS users , so nurses computer literature promotion , has an important role in success and acceptance of NIS. So educational workshop and classes for nurses in hospital would be helpful to make better utilization of nursing information system also increasing inter-hospital communication between nurses and health information technologist would have a helpful tool for transmitting professional knowledge between these groups. Using nurse’s knowledge and skills in all phase electronic system development and implementation and courage electronic health systems developer to use this knowledge in their production is an essential item for successfulness of NIS and systems li ke that. Since we don’t have any national nursing standard classification and nomenclature , prepare , provide an standard unified system according national requirements is another important factor for implementation and usage of NIS and at whole , establishment some professional workshop that has different different profession such as nursing , health information technology , policy making and so on , to start and monitored special effort about nursing information system requirement , development and implementation is very important. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to nurses and health information technologist of educational hospital affiliated to Zahedan University of medical sciences who kindly participated in this study. REFERENCES 1.Bitaraf E, Riazy G. comprehensive hospital information system. iranian ministry of health,care and education 2006. 2.Yoder-wise PS. Leading and Managing in Nursing. second ed: St. Louis: Mosby; 1999. 3.Organization PAH, Organization WH. BuildingStandard-BasedNursing Information Systems. Washington: PAHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data; 2000. 4.Ahmadi M, Habibi Koolaee M. Nursing Information Systems in Iran. HAKIM. 2010 5.Ammenwerth E, Rauchegger F, Ehlers F, Hirsch B, Schaubmayr C. Effect of a nursing information system on the quality of information processing in nursing: An evaluation study using the HIS-monitor instrument. International journal of medical informatics. 2011;80(1):25-38. 6.Verkerke M. 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Table1.frequency percentage of NIS general data specification in different hospital D C B A 17/52% 95/86% 73/21% 39/17% Patient care process 63/63% 36/36% 09/9% 18/18% Ward management process 50% 90% 30% 20% Communication process 100% 100% 0 0 Education and research process Table2.frequency percentage of nursing data set in different hospital. D C B A 60% 100% 0 0 Nursing care data set 60% 33/93% 60% 33/73% Patient data set 85/92% 57/78% 57/78% 71/85% Provided services data set Table3.frequency percentage of reporting data specification in different hospital. D C B A 33/33% 0 100% 33/83% Personnel report 71/85% 28/64% 28/64% 71/35% Clinical report 0 100% 100% 0 Financial report

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Overview Of Ambulatory Surgery Centers Nursing Essay

An Overview Of Ambulatory Surgery Centers Nursing Essay An ambulatory surgery center is indication to the surgery that conducted without the need for overnight hospital stay. This term also recognized as outpatient surgery or same day surgery. This surgery in general not type of complicated surgery, it is simpler than the one which requiring hospitalization. This kind of ambulatory surgery is widely used in present time, where the cost of such surgery is low, simple and required less resources where for the inpatient it is essential to keep the patient in the hospital; that mean reserve bed for that patient in the hospital [1]. Another definition can be used here, that ambulatory surgery is the performance of planned surgical procedure with the patient being discharged on the same day [2]. The ambulatory surgery first found in 1909 by James Nicoll, a scottish surgeon, it was called by day case surgery. In 1912 Ralph Walter in the USA adopted this surgery type in the USA. It was unpopular until the 1960s and 1970s when the traditional surgeries became a bottleneck for most of the USAs Hospitals, where keeping the patient on holding list and admitted them in the hospital became more expensive, in addition the availability of beds decreased. Walter Reed introduced the ambulatory surgery to USAs hospital, since then patient manages improved significantly and rapidly with ensuring the patients fitness after discharge [2]. Ambulatory surgery form about 90% of all surgery performed nowadays in Canada and USA [6]. The day surgery can achieve high level of quality, cost effective and safe which lead to high level of patient satisfaction [6]. University of California at Los Angeles developed a hospital based on ambulatory surgery unit in 1962, then other units in the USA were op ened in 1966 At Gorge Washington university, until big number of ambulatory surgery is opened now in the USA and Canada [7]. Several associations created to developed a strategies and plans to adopt and improve the ambulatory surgery, one of these association is the Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (FASA), this association founded in the USA since 1974, another 12 national association formed and become member of the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS) [8] The advantages from ambulatory surgery system are varied in type, some of these advantages related to patient and their family and some related to the hospitals and the healthcare system as whole. Those advantages for the patient that they will receive more attention from the healthcare team, because the ambulatory surgery designed to serve that patient [9]. The ambulatory patient will return home after receiving the treatment, so it is better to well manage the day surgery units and provide the patient with treatment which allowed them to continue recovering at their family home environment. Small mistakes that could happen for inpatient will not occur to the ambulatory surgery patient, like missing drug or shot or give different medicine for patient, because in the ambulatory surgery patient is always having everything in plan and no mistakes there [10]. Day surgery is better for children than inpatient surgery where the children will not be separated from their family for long time. The children will be less stressful and feel more comfortable because they can join back their family after that surgery finish [11]. In the European Charter of Childrens Rights states that children should be admitted to hospital only if the care they require cannot be equally well provided at home or on a day basis [12]. Other main important advantage is that scheduling for ambulatory surgery is much easier and less complicated for registration. Furthermore the day surgery will not be cancelled because an emergency admission likes what happen to inpatient surgery. The recovery period for ambulatory surgery patient is faster than inpatient, this allowing to patient to return to the normal life sooner [13]. For the hospital the benefit is more in way of management way where the efficient for providing surgery and the flow is less risky where everything is scheduled and prepared without facing cancelation, this offer more utilization for the facility and resources and give the patient more booking choice [14]. All healthcare organizations are having problem with budgets and limit funds and the patient demand also increased at the same time, the new treatment way for making same day surgery operation is cutting down the cost and reduce the demand for saving beds and resources for inpatient who waiting their surgery to place; while the ambulatory surgery patient receiving high quality and effective treatment those inpatient having shortage sometimes because limitation and long scheduling [8]. (b) Discuss their evolution in the United State. The first found of ambulatory surgery was between 1864 and 1921 by James Nicoll while his working in Sick Childrens Hospital and Dispensary in Glasgow, Scotland. Most of his operation was on special condition like phimosis, mastoid disease, cleft palate and spina bifida that all were done in daily basis, where the children received treatment within the same day. James Nicoll reported that 8988 paediatric cases were success in 1909 [2]. Since that time to 1948 nothing changed and the ambulatory surgery did not change in the way to adopting it, in 1984 British Medical Journal reported that surgeon allows a patient to leave hospital within 14 days of an intestinal operation [15]. The idea was adopt by different surgery around the world but none designed a unit for ambulatory surgery, until 1962 when a hospital build a unit at the University of California at Los Angeles, USA based on Nicolls concept [16]. Another unit opened within USA at George Washington University in 1966, after that in 1968 another unit designed in Providence, Rhode Island [17]. Reed and Ford both opened their Surgicenter in Phoenix, Arizona in 1969; it was the first similar idea to what Nicolls units was [7]. In period between 1970s and 1980s a large number of day units opened in Canada, the USA, the UK and Australia and started reporting in medical journals the benefits of having day surgery and the procedures and the way of adopting them. The key elements of those publications were the quality, cost effectiveness and safety of these ambulatory surgeries, and they published in different places like Orkand Corporation in the USA, the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Audit Commission in the UK and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons of Australia [18-22]. Different association started to form in order to organize the work of ambulatory surgery units and deliver the new technique and methods to other units and maximize the benefit of having ambulatory unit attached to the hospital and separate surgery unit. Their Main goal is to promote quality standard expansion, education and research in the field of ambulatory surgery centers. The first foundation was the Society for the Advancement of Freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Centers (FASC) which now known as Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (FASA), that association founded in the USA in 1974. Another 12 American association decided to form in 1995, and all become members of the International Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (IAAS) [8]. (c). How do ambulatory surgery centers influence healthcare delivery? In healthcare delivery system it is important to provide the patient with the appropriate treatment according to his/her case with high quality and effectively. The inpatient facing some difficulties in booking a date and time for his/her surgery and sometime they need to stay in the hospital for recovery, this amount of load on the hospital may lead to some mistake in healthcare delivery process where mostly happened in medication is. This scenario cost the hospital a lot of resources and dollars in order to fixing them, this misleading in manage the inpatient, most likely, not found in ambulatory surgery patient. The amount of accuracy the treatment deliver is high, moreover the quality and efficiency also acceptable. According to the nurse who their ages averages between 41 year in the UK and 45 in the USA, the ambulatory surgery unit is more attractive to them, where they need more time to spent with their family and the needs for weekend and overnight will decreasing. With fixed schedules for surgery in ambulatory surgery unit it gives the opportunity for nursing to work overtime with more efficiency and effectiveness. The efficiency of nurses in surgery is important where it cannot reach the highest value in the normal inpatient surgery which may be taken over night or weekend. [8]. According to the cost of inpatient surgery compared to the ambulatory surgery it can be significantly different, usually for inpatient surgery reserving bed for patient is important without knowing the period of time that patient need for recovery and weekend and night staff is necessary, these two facts added cost to the hospital where if it is ambulatory surgery the need for hospitalization time will be reduced and night/weekend staff is not required. In the ambulatory surgery units the time and staff are used more intensively and effectively. The average unit cost savings of between 10% and 70% is documented in case of having ambulatory surgery rather than inpatient surgery [8, 18]. The improvement of patient throughput is one of the advantages of having day surgery unit [14], another benefit is to provide an enhanced patient service in a cost effective manner [8]. For Children most cases are performed in ambulatory surgery unit, it is rule, unless it is necessary to consider them as inpatient. This will reduce the stress on the patient and their parents also elder people will recover fast in their home after having one day treatment in the hospital. The way of deliver the treatment in that way will improve the patient satisfaction and improve the efficiency of the healthcare [12]. If we consider the study of patient turnaround time and length of stay, these two measurements are good indicator of how effective is the healthcare treatment was, less length of stay is the case where we have ambulatory surgery unit working and the aim is to reduce the time that spend between starting the triage until the patient discharge. The quality of treatment is also a case where we need to consider less variability of process and high patient satisfaction, less autonomy is the key point in the ambulatory surgery units where everything is schedule and designed in way to have best treatment without mistakes. The load inside the hospital to reserve beds and prepare the beds, is major problem in present time where the demand is increased, the ambulatory surgery unit has fixed amount of resources and can server special cases (minor surgery) more efficient and effective. Inpatient surgery may facing a case where their scheduled surgery may canceled because emergency case come, the other cases can also be seen where the operation is canceled because lack of resources. Either case cannot be found in the ambulatory surgery units. All these leads to better quality, resources effective, cost effective, more satisfaction, time utilization and decrease the demands. (d). Describe the factors that impact the establishment of an ambulatory surgery center. Two main factors should be considered in order to establish a successful ambulatory surgery unit: It must provide operative service of high standards of quality and safety at least equal to those of inpatient care. It must be both patient and cost efficient such that it provide high levels of patient satisfaction and is financially sustainable. [8] The ambulatory surgery centers usually formed from different facilities in the hospital, each facility has it unique characteristic and because of this uniqueness the ambulatory surgery units has to fulfilled these need. In general there are four categories of facility: Hospital integrated facility: in this type of facility the patients of ambulatory surgery are treated in partial or total through the inpatient units. Self-contained unit on hospital site: in such units the ambulatory surgery is performed in separate units, units build only for one day surgery and they are total separate from inpatient units. Freestanding self-contained units: those units look like the units which existed in the hospital. Physicians office-based unit: this is a limited resource units it can operate small surgery. Several criterions can be used in designing the ambulatory surgery centers; one of these criterions is the surgical, there is wide range of procedures followed the surgery and attached to the operation. The resources needed and space for this kind of surgery is important factor effect establishing ambulatory surgery centers [8]. Other criterion is social, it is important criteria because the patient discharge to the environment, the social should be prepared for receiving patient and provides him/her with the suitable resources for recovering, and most of the cases the nurses asked the ambulatory surgery patient to keep the center updated to his/her status [8]. The patient age is another criterion affected the establishment of ambulatory surgery center, two ages range can benefits from ambulatory surgery centers the children and extreme ages [23]. Type of patient is also another factor, which patient is appropriate to considered as ambulatory surgery patient, if the patients need more attention they should be admitted as inpatient. (e). What are the challenges that hospitals face while implementing an ambulatory surgery center? Please (very briefly) describe them. As the demand on the ambulatory surgery increasing it is become necessary to discuss the challenges that facing the hospitals while implementing an ambulatory surgery center. It is important to identify these challenges and trying to control them to keep the quality and performance level high in the ambulatory surgery centers. Patient satisfaction is one of these difficulties that challenging the hospital to implementing the ambulatory surgery, it is hard to measure this amount of satisfaction and there is no certain baseline for this measure, but in general the patient is satisfied as long as that process goes as his/her expectation, which vary from patient to another according to their background and educations [24]. The productivity in the ambulatory surgery units can be measured using five types indicators [26]: Labor: because the nature of work in health care is based on labor, then the outcomes commonly represent service, with labor as input to the system the outcome could be clinic visits. Supplies: the output from this could be ambulatory surgery procedures. Equipment: Diagnostic tests are one of the possible outcomes. Facilities: that leads to home health and visits. Capital: Physical therapy treatments. One of the challenging is the ensuring employee motivation, with the amount of work they have in ambulatory surgery units the employee performance can be reduced by time, then the quality will be reduced because the employee is the key element here. In order to keep the employee as good as they could be, then one suggestion can be applying a Japanese management techniques happy employee is a productive employee. This idea has been discussed by Tabatabai in 1983 [27]. Another important terms is the motivation, the managers should provide the ambulatory surgery centers with a staff which motivate the employee during their works in that health care centers [26]. Improving the productivity of employee will not be separate from keeping the same level of quality or improving it, that is one of the challenges that facing the ambulatory surgery centers now days. The quality in the ambulatory surgery units should be taken from customers perspective, here the customers are both patient and physician; for example the waiting time from customers point of view is important and that duration should be very low. Scheduling is one of the problems in ambulatory surgery centers. All of the participants in health care (Patient, physician, and employee) should be prepared at the same time and processing the health care for same period of time, that is hard part to ensure the that load is distributed along the day, for some cases the maximum load at the morning and noon, but at midnight the load is less. Some engineering and system engineering tools and techniques are useful to solve this problem [26]. The number of outpatient and the patient in ambulatory is growing rapidly; the managers should manage the growing without direct them to another hospital or clinic is important strategy need very good management skills. That is one of difficulties that facing the ambulatory surgery centers. The challenging can be summarized as follow: Scheduling which can be happened because the numbers of patient is growing so fast and the need for good scheduling. Motivation: the employee performance is reducing while the number of patient is increasing and in the nearly future the needs for new strategy to motivate the employee. Patient satisfaction: with the number of patient increasing the number of different type of surgery in ambulatory surgery will increase. The need to standardized the procedure is growing. (f).Briefly illustrate the role of Industrial and Systems Engineering or Operations Management tools such as total quality management, process mapping, scheduling, etc., in establishing an effective and efficient ambulatory surgery center using at least two case studies or applications based on the literature. In the ambulatory surgery center the quality is essential rule to keep the performance and outcomes at acceptable level, also customer satisfaction is important in way to provide him/her with the wide range of treatment they required. At this step a continuous improvement and evaluation tools are the key element for ambulatory surgery centers to survive. A study suggested having a clinical indicators and acceptable thresholds that are relevant to daily practice, that will lead to easy measured and analyze the process parameters [25]. Modeling and simulation tool is good in way to provide the managers and the leader of ambulatory surgery units with virtual units where they can check the effect of increasing the demand on this type of surgery, where the most of hospital are looking to move their minors surgery to be done in separate units and leave the operation theater for the cases which need high attention and care. Enterprise-management tools, other useful tools to manage the ambulatory surgery units the idea is that units need to be managed as subsystem of the biggest system (Hospital). The interaction between hospital and ambulatory surgery units can provide these units and hospital with large amount of information of different cases and symptom that comes daily to the ambulatory surgery units and emergency department. In general industrial and system engineering tools can help the ambulatory surgery centers in different way, decrease the cost by decreasing the length of stay for patient: because most of the cases in the day surgery unit is normal and repeatable surgery (most of them are easy not complicated surgery) then the procedure can be standardized, this standardization will reduce the cost by removing the unnecessary process from the units. It is know that the nature of hospital is not same and there is high level of variation between different cases, this problem can be reduced in th e ambulatory surgery centers. Any engineering and system tools or techniques can be very useful in ambulatory surgery centers, in mean of the capabilities of providing the patient with excellent treatment within short period of time, both will result to patient satisfaction and improving the patient recovery time after leaving the ambulatory surgery centers, and also reduce the cost on ambulatory surgery center by reducing the number of employee and resources needed, because the good engineering tools mean less waste and more efficiently for both employee and resources. It can be summarized into following points: Decreased salaries expense by reducing the staffing requirements. Greater patient satisfaction through reduced waiting times. Increases employee satisfaction because workload is evenly distributed and activity levels do not create a hurry up and wait environment. Increases physician satisfaction because operations are more efficient and patients are more satisfied.

Men, Women, and Sports: What is Acceptable? Essay examples -- Sports G

Men, Women, and Sports: What is Acceptable? Throughout history, society has clearly defined the roles that men and women were expected to play. In these roles, men were seen as both physically and mentally stronger, and women were seen as more gentle, caring and physically and mentally weaker. As such, men participating in sports which demonstrate grace and elegance was not, and to some extent, still is not considered to be the norm. Likewise, women participating in sports which demonstrate or require a great deal of physical strength is considered to be un-ladylike. Additionally, there has been a certain physical image associated with both men and women, and when a person is physically different from what is considered the norm, then they are open to ridicule and prejudice from society. Traditionally, the image of women is that of curvaceous, maternal-looking people. Thus a woman who is exceptionally physically fit, or who has large and well-defined muscles is seen as strange. In fact, an "overly" muscular woman is generally seen as very masculine, or as someone who is trying to be manly. It is for this reason that many female athletes have been branded as "butch" or as lesbians. Conversely, men who do not carry the image of testosterone-filled, macho, muscular and physically strong people are seen as less manly than they should be. Society seems to believe that men should participate in sports which promote the macho image, such as those sports which have a violent aspect to them, and those sports which base themselves in a demonstration of physical strength. As such, men who participate in sports such as boxing or power lifting are far more easily accepted than men who participate in sports such as synchronized swi... ...pread and secretarial jobs are considered to be women's jobs. There are many incongruities between what is considered acceptable for men and what is considered acceptable for women, and this can be seen in all walks of life. It stems from the traditional images of what men and women should look like and how they should behave which have been imposed on us by both our society and the traditions passed on to us from our ancestors. These incongruities and prejudices are most clearly seen and acknowledged in the world of sports, but in truth they pervade almost every aspect of our lives. This is not an issue which has an easy solution, but it is an issue which must be addressed if there is to be an end to the ridicule which many people are subjected to as a result of following a career path or making life decisions which do not conform to this set of unspoken rules. Men, Women, and Sports: What is Acceptable? Essay examples -- Sports G Men, Women, and Sports: What is Acceptable? Throughout history, society has clearly defined the roles that men and women were expected to play. In these roles, men were seen as both physically and mentally stronger, and women were seen as more gentle, caring and physically and mentally weaker. As such, men participating in sports which demonstrate grace and elegance was not, and to some extent, still is not considered to be the norm. Likewise, women participating in sports which demonstrate or require a great deal of physical strength is considered to be un-ladylike. Additionally, there has been a certain physical image associated with both men and women, and when a person is physically different from what is considered the norm, then they are open to ridicule and prejudice from society. Traditionally, the image of women is that of curvaceous, maternal-looking people. Thus a woman who is exceptionally physically fit, or who has large and well-defined muscles is seen as strange. In fact, an "overly" muscular woman is generally seen as very masculine, or as someone who is trying to be manly. It is for this reason that many female athletes have been branded as "butch" or as lesbians. Conversely, men who do not carry the image of testosterone-filled, macho, muscular and physically strong people are seen as less manly than they should be. Society seems to believe that men should participate in sports which promote the macho image, such as those sports which have a violent aspect to them, and those sports which base themselves in a demonstration of physical strength. As such, men who participate in sports such as boxing or power lifting are far more easily accepted than men who participate in sports such as synchronized swi... ...pread and secretarial jobs are considered to be women's jobs. There are many incongruities between what is considered acceptable for men and what is considered acceptable for women, and this can be seen in all walks of life. It stems from the traditional images of what men and women should look like and how they should behave which have been imposed on us by both our society and the traditions passed on to us from our ancestors. These incongruities and prejudices are most clearly seen and acknowledged in the world of sports, but in truth they pervade almost every aspect of our lives. This is not an issue which has an easy solution, but it is an issue which must be addressed if there is to be an end to the ridicule which many people are subjected to as a result of following a career path or making life decisions which do not conform to this set of unspoken rules.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Failure In Ethan Frome :: essays research papers

The main theme of the book Ethan Frome is failure. It is shown in three ways throughout the story: Ethan's marriage, him not being able to stand up to Zeena, and his involvement in the "smash up". Ethan marries Zeena so he won't be alone after his mother dies. She seemed like a very cheerful, vivacious person while his mother was sick. After their marriage all this changed. She became a very nagging, sick wife. Because of Zeena's "complications" they had to hire someone to help around the house. Mattie, Zeena's cousin, needed a place to live and seemed fit for the job. She moved in and Ethan took and immediate liking to her. He found someone that cared for him, was always happy, and could share his youth. All of which, Zeena was incapable of doing. Ethan longed to be with Mattie, but he was loyal to Zeena. Being married to Zeena was Ethan's first failure. Ethan's second failure was not standing up to Zeena. She claimed the doctor said that she was extremely sick and needed more help around the house. She told him without any discussion that Mattie had to go. Ethan could not find the words to make her alter her decision. Zeena also decided that Mattie had to leave the next day. It was stated in the book that Zeena had the upper hand in the house by the line "Now she [Zeena] had mastered him [Ethan] and he obeyed her." Ethan could not find the right things to say, and it was because of his failure of not being able to stand up to his wife that he was going to lose the only thing that made him happy. Ethan's last failure was the way he modified his and Mattie's lives regarding the "smash up". He wanted to run away with Mattie, but he could not because his practical sense told him it was not feasible to do so. Mattie wanted so desperately to be with Ethan that she suggested in order to stay together forever, to die together. It was Ethan's job to steer into the tree with the sled so that it looked like an accidental death.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Football salary Essay

Many people think that footballers are paid too much money for doing too little effort. However, this can be argues because they are people who have dedicated their entire life to this sport and therefore they should be rewarded. But in the end there is lots of people need that money to survive and get some food and clean water. The money which is given to players should be reduced because what they do isn’t worth all the money they get. Because the average salary of a professional football player of February 2010 was listed at about $1.8 million year (Mandi R Hall, There are also other people that have worked harder throughout their lives by working and studying. Players perform a sport where they do not save anyone’s life unlike doctors who study for 6 consecutive years, work for several hours, and literally save people’s lives. But the problem is even doctors they don’t gut that high salary like the average in 2009 for doctors in the US was $226,000/ year ( There are also other careers like police officers who devote their lives to provide a safe community. A single football player receives high amounts of money where half of this amount could be spent on medical supplies, help have a better education, and also help many needy people. Because billing school for example â€Å"The Williamstown Public School in Williamstown, Massachusetts is an old school, so they are currently building a new one. It costs $14.5 million and it will house 650 students maximum. The Williamstown Public School is about three times bigger than Mark’s Meadow. Since our school is about 1/3 smaller, it would cost about 1/3 less money to build. $14.5 million divided by three equals about $4.8 million† ( player’s effort is insignificant and worthless compare to the amount of they get. The reasons why they should not be paid as much as they do, are: Children should be in better schools have a higher degree of education, people who work harder should get better salaries, the money people sent in football as a whole should be used better on investment or donations.

Effectiveness and Efficiency of HR Essay

Introduction modern-day day piece of musicagement of an enterprise is interdependent on optimal utilization of peculiar preferences. Of all the elections namely Man, Machine, Material, Money and animal trainer the most all important(p) resourcefulness is man and therefore modern day enterprises vex special c ar of their manpower. kind beings are sensitive and emotional therefore sine qua non special handling. A in effect(p) attractor of men understands the forgivings psychology and working in accordance with the capability of his people. What started, as a much-despised activity of managing the relationship among businesses and labor unions has now become an immanent part of any achieverful organic law. In my opinion assessing and measuring the effectiveness and efficacy of HR programs is truly an important scrap for HR professionalsHistoryThe history of serviceman race resourcefulness commission (HRM) can be traced back to the proterozoic 1900s. Galbraith and Nathanson prepareed a model for the human resource anxiety function that shared surface the human resource management function into four canonical sub functions. Subsequent review of the human resource management function divided the function into seven parts. The human being imaginativeness commission function has evolved significantly since the early 1900. The have to deal with labor unions and the human relations movement has increased the need for competent human resource professionals.Functions of charitable Resources instructionHuman Resource Management focuses on securing, maintaining, and utilizing an effective work force. It involves a various activities, such as assessing human resource forecasts for the organization, screening of prospective employees, enlisting process, assessing training inevitably of the employees, developing a proper of compensation systems, and define policies in accordance with local law and needs. grandeur of effective Human Resour ce Management Planning1.HR managers have the challenge to queue the operational needs of managers with the mission and organizational goals of the business.2.HR managers essential communicate in effect with operational level managers to influence, analyze and supply evaluate staff needs.3.HR managers moldiness consider the anticipate future environment and internal and foreign factors affecting human resource needs when planning future personnel requirements. Human resource managers must establish priorities for staffing needs.4.HR managers must balance the requirements of line managers against the organizational goals to envision staffing growth is consistent with the overall organizational objectives.5.HR managers must gaining line management strengthener for its programs and develop a good working relationship with line managers. marge managers must understand the human resource managers strategy and the value human resource management adds to an organization.6.HRM pol icies and practices may influence the enlisting process. Effective recruiting is essential to an organizations financial future.7.HR managers must ensure that all the personnel actions interpreted by an organization are performed within the law. HR policies of the organization must keep abreast with various disabilities and civil right8.HR must develop training needs of the workers carry out unbiased performance appraisal base on substantive performance issues.9.Managers should suck sure employees understand what is expected of them and the requirements of their job.ConclusionsHuman resource management contributes to an organization success by hiring effective employees, assessing training programs and effectively planning the human resource needs of the organization. By hiring effective employees HR managers remedy the performance of the company. The value of the Human Resource management is immense and cannot be verbalized solely in monetary value. HRM has locomote from bei ng an auxiliary function to that of adding to the organization profits by managing its most important asset people.ReferencesMathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2003), Human Resource Management (11th edition), Thompson/Southwestern.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bae Assignment

BAE c in eaching Case Study deviateted by Susan Pacheco April 17, 2013 Table of table of contents agency 1 Executive Summary3 representative 2 of import Issue4 Part 3 Systemic Issues4 loss leaders & go steady instruction issues4 political Pressure to Fast-Track veritableize5 number Issues5 Communication Breakdowns6 urban center Involvement (Delays)6 BAE Conditions on weightlift Signing (April 1992)6 Part 4 Environmental & cool off energise Analysis7 Qualitative Analysis7 witness counseling7 People (Unqualified)8 come along- convention8 Economic & governmental Considerations8 triumph with coupled Airlines9 Part 5 alternates and/or Options9 Alternative A9Alternative B11 Part 6 Recommendations and effectuation11 Recommendation11 Recommendations Implementation Plan12 Part 7 Monitor and Control13 Part 8 Conclusion13 Part 9 References, Exhibits and supplementes13 Part 1 Executive Summary In govern to address the immediate issue of the letter reliable by the city mayor contriveing us resolutionable for the delay of the immature luggage frame by charging BAE a penalty of $12k/ twenty-four hour period backdated to October 29, 1993 and in like manner baying a missionary post back for the $50M tug-and-cart baggage relievo schema, immediate action and antecedence desires to be prone to address this billing.A officious analysis of our declargon aneself design and missed milest one and only(a)s with reasons and detailual data is life-sustaining in defending our position. We need to leaven where genuine milestones outside our condition were missed and the half mask motion it scored and where dependencies to our commitments were broken and by whom. There were any(prenominal) points at which we subdued our concerns on the throw off delays and access issues that shape up hindered our ability to perform just now no one took responsibility or acknowledged the delay.In addition, the Build-Design flak has in itself creat ed m whatsoever hurdles and light uponrion delays outside our control as sound as created unfavourable on the job(p) conditions that were unsustainable for our teams. Our underway mooring is a mere manifestation of a drop of a proper excogitate prudence anatomical structure and qualified individualnel at DIA. Also lack of sponsorship by the urban center Mayor has created silos and a negative effect on the redact flow. The build- object climax is one of the biggest issues but with proper focal point it fag end be dominate.Based on BAEs acknowledge and prospering historic objectifys, we can confidently barrack a naked structure that has hold uped in past tense be afters. abandoned that history I feel we need to propose a drastic limiting to DIAs Project Management team and propose a mod structure which includes a impertinent Project omnibus to over check out the wide-cut barf team, try-on of additional team members (see concomitant 1) and imma ture hires with the ad salutary skill sets. See Appendix 2 to see RACI Matrix intention.The proposal is to continue with the new drome wide baggage remains implementation nevertheless down the stairs the condition that DIA restructure their be after ratify outment team and achieves sponsorship from the urban center Mayor and Aviation theater director. A team splay must be still by alone parties obscure as on that point atomic number 18 too more(prenominal) moving move and it is impossible to expect BAE to one by one hump alone moving parts for what is out of our control especi completelyy with a Build-Design envision.This new platform exit discontinue BAE and DIAs members to educate, make timely critical terminations, nonice ventures and critical milestones and hold members accountable for their respective(prenominal) government agencys. assuming our proposal is accepted, the general expected timing from sign contact to identifying risks under th e new team structure is 9 weeks. With this plan, a support body would non be requisite, at that placeby avoiding this $50M additional follow. The secureness of this accusation would put BAE at permanent financial risk if not bankruptcy.Promptness and earlierity in use this situation is critical. Beyond the financial jar, there is in addition the record BAE has always enjoyed as being a leader in the marketplace worldwide can similarly have a negative effect on current and future proposals with different institutions. Part 2 Main Issue city of capital of Colorado issued a penalty request of $12k/ mean solar day backdated to original start-up outcome date of October 29, 1993 including a $50 M charge back for a tug-and-cart baggage backup system. This main issue is a termination of the systemic issues which are listed below. Part 3 Systemic IssuesLeadership & Project Management issues Shared lead between city of capital of Colorado & Consultant team created some in efficiencies, duplicate work and lack of substantive ownership. Addition tout ensembley no organizational structure change at DIA was ever do to accommodate this new baggage system hurl. however complicating the matter was the communication channels and roles between city, PMT and consultants were not defined or controlled. All were work in silos. Engineers are inefficiently creating piles of change have that are not really managed or communicated.Waste of time just to cover their tracks. There is NO real qualified Project Manager to oversee the entire realize and bridge the gap between DIA and their fade Carriers unite & Continental, City Council and BAE. We have been expected to manage the mould with everyone working in their silos with no real run or team finish or commission as a whole. In auberge to confirm things moving along, we need a DIA replica to pretend engineering alternatives and make busy ends on cost, alternatives, scheduling etc.Currently there are too many a(prenominal) chefs in the kitchen with no real one person in charge. They had to balance roam administration governmental and social responsibilities. The Working Area 4 Managers that was delegate to us have no recognise in aerodrome manifestation, baggage system technologies or new technologies, their main experience is in social structure exteriorise control centering. As such they dont know how to properly support our requests and need repletey to keep the jump going forward.In addition to this since there is no hear autobus in charge and lack of proper structure we have to liaise with and to obtain feedback from each Concourse Senior manager and Main terminal manager. It is apparent that they each operate independently making any agreement difficult as we need to transcend the decisions and get agreement crossways all four managers. It is apparent that they each are making independant decisions and trying to tie them all unneurotic is very difficult. This creates farther bottlenecks for us.Lack of a designated forecast manager to oversee and manage inputs/outputs from the City, DIA and BAE created a painful process, have relationships and lack of accountability and control. Head of DIA pop the question resigned and finish of Chief airport Engineer Walter Slinger (Oct. 1992), a gruelling proponent of the baggage system and closely involved in negotiations with us had a significant electric shock on the acoustic projection. He was a decisive, em forcefulnessed decision maker who knew how to address problems and get them resolved promptly. His replacing Gail Edmond was not successful in carrying ut the selfsame(prenominal) duties as she was very much less experienced and lacked the autonomy, experience and guts to make much indispensable fast decisions. Her hands were tied with red tape and took much longer to make any decisions. Overall we had a wretched relationship with the attention team who had no prior baggage treatment competence or experience. The project was mainly treated as a major exoteric works project resulting in a lack of support when we needed it for any of our complaints on timing, access etc Political Pressure to Fast-Track ProjectThere were many factors that influenced and pressured this project to a fast-track pace which had some resulting serious consequences both in delays and cost. This pushed the project into a Build-Design project which had created some major delays and cost increases. Some of the other influencing factors are as follows * DBO Date of Beneficial tenancy payback date of January 1, 1994 * Project Management team pressured to push project ahead at all cost due(p) to long periods of assessment, negotiation and terminal approvals. Political pressure from Mayor to force project through a fast-track for their own political elevation gain and public optics Design Issues The decision to arrange a new large scale airdrome-wide baggage system came after th e edifice design was already determined and we were face up with fully defined project specs which underplayed the importance and significance of some all important(predicate) requirements of a baggage system (space, electrical power needs, building structure requirements, ventilation and air learn to dissipate) These issues created merely bottlenecks and delays in our implementation.Further delays and changes resulted from DIAs lack of consulting with and conducting a needs assessment with their two top carriers United & Continental which accounted for more than 70% of passenger craft prior to project start. Their needs were never integrated into the initial design and program, as a result farther changes were requested to design and bundle system just 6 months prior to the needed opening date. We had to turn over with this even though the mechanical and software designs were say to be frozen. Communication BreakdownsWe communicated to United we would need 1 more year to get system up and running but no one listened nor was the nub passed along to DIA or the City. We also at many points tried to engage DIA about the delays, access issues and twisting bottlenecks that was causing direct delays in our work and we were not given precedent or access when needed. Infact the billet was that these construction workers were not reporting to BAE to have to listen. City Involvement (Delays) Law restrictions forcing 30% of minority-owned firms and 6% women.This natural law forced us to forgo our original proposal of using our own qualified employees in post of external outside contractors which estimated an increased cost of some 60%. Some of our expertise was lost due to this fact in addition to causing further delays to our project. In Sept. 1993 we went into maintenance negotiations which lead to a 2 day strike of 300 millwrights that was joined by 200 electricians over a $8/hr delta pay dispute. We lost the maintenance contract as well as a 2 day de lay. BAE Conditions on Contract Signing (April 1992)The conditions and milestones we placed upon evaluate the job was not respected by the city or adhered to, nor was there any provisions do to address issues along the way. ( i. e. freeze dates for mechanical design, software design, power requirements and the like, all around access, timely point of real areas, provision of permanent power, computer entourage these were all set as milestones in our project plan. The city had agreed to these conditions with unrestricted access with priority for BAE equipment yet we didnt even have intelligent access.For deterrent example * Electricians had to leave work where concrete grinders were creating clouds of dust, * exhaust from chemical sealants forced others to flea * Trucks blocking and restricting * Design Freeze dates not adhered to Airlines requested changes to system pattern even though mechanical/software designs were frozen. (6 months prior to opening airport, still moving e quipment around, changing controls and software design * Energy issues City unable to lend clean electricity to the baggage system. Motors and circuitry used in system extremely sensitive to power surges and fluctuations.Filters were purchased to go down the problem and a City Worker cancel a contract without realising that the filters were part of it. Filters arrived several months subsequent in March 1994. 1. Construction already begun on terminal and concourses with substantial changes needed on construction to accommodate expanded system. We wrote a letter to city (Jan, 29, 1995) to request prompt action advising of inability to land up project under these conditions with no response or support. Part 4 Environmental & Root piddle Analysis Qualitative AnalysisBAE is a highly qualified with a revered report, experienced in projects across the US, Europe and Australia in the emergence, design, manufacture and frame and support of every project it undertook from start to f inish. We found a buckram position in the US accounting for about 90% of U. S. baggage categorisation equipment sales. Since 1972 1994 we had successfully designed, manufactured and installed nearly 70 alter baggage handling systems worth almost $50M at major airports in the US, new-fashioned York, Dallas-Fort Worth, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, Newark and Pittsburgh.We also consulted in the installation of a $550M terminal for the New capital of South Korea Metropolitan Airport in South Korea. Given our successful history and past accomplishments, it is without a doubt that our management capabilities and expertise in handling respective(a) types of projects, with various types of people and countries, proves our commitment, capabilities and expertise in handling complex variables and situations for every project we under hit the books. Knowing the strategical importance and complexity of this particular project, we had agreed to take on the project only upon acceptance of certain conditions which was accepted by the City.Many of these conditions were not honored throughout the process causing unnecessary delays, additional costs, labour relationships both with the City and DIA management and ail our reputation Project Management Lack of communication, ownership and project management both at DIA & the City of Denver was the source of this pivotal problem. Since the contract was awarded by the City, they were prudent to perform the compliance of the agreed upon conditions and communicate and enforce these conditions to DIA and their employees.In turn DIA did not have a peculiar(prenominal) Project manager to oversee the entire project as a whole and to act as a liaison between us, the City and their Carriers. kinda we were forced to deal with their respective Area managers one on one which was counterproductive, time consuming and ineffective. We also had to deal with direct changes from the Carriers themselves which further haulted our proje ct. We were setup for harm given the lack of direction and control at DIAs side and the Citys lordly approach to making decisions.For a project of this magnitude, there was no consideration made to employ all Key Managers or Project Manager to oversee, manage and liaise between the three concourse areas. This created some major gaps and no one was there to keep the pulse on the project itself. This was not utilize thus creating a gap in communication, a silo-type attitude amongst decision makers creating no support-system for the major role we played in this implementation. It was apparent that roles between the City, PMT at DIA and Consultants were not defined or controlled.Everyone was working in silos. People (Unqualified) In addition to the management issues, our assign Area 4 Managers, lacked the experience in airport construction and baggage system technologies, therefore could not understand the importance and properly support our needs nonetheless handle our requests in a prompt manor. In order to keep things moving along, we needed a DIA counterpart who would be able to produce engineering alternatives and have the autonomy to make decisions. The devastation of DIAs Chief Airport Engineer, Walter Slinger created significant impact to our operations as he was decisive and communicate problems promptly. This was an important critical role undeniable for the success of this project. His successor, Gail Edmond lacked the experience, know-how, decision making capabilities and autonomy that further haulted the process. Build-Design The Political pressure to fast-track this project lead to a Build-Design approach to this airport construction which caused many uncharted risks and design issues that we had to deal with upon commencement.We were unaware of the construction range and expatiate to be able to fully understand the scope of the project before undertaking. This also lead to a reactive vs. proactive planning. This posed many unknown risks, changes and modifications to our plans along the way. The instability of this process created many points of change, delays and cost additions and we did our best to manage what was in our control. The point is that many of these delays were NOT within our control, nor did we have any support from the city to enforce DIAs construction project to meet our agreed upon milestones to meet our own obligations.Economic & Political Considerations The economy in mid 1980s was plummeting with a 37% job loss average across Stapeltons Employment Industries. The Pena administration aggressively promoted the airport relocation, selling the new airport as a technologically advanced, state-of-the art structure to draw businesses, import federal official capital and fund the creation of new jobs with bonded debts to overcome the sententious-term decline in the economy. It was to become a grand project that would be the main shell for the Public Works Department.The relationship between BAE and the City was strained primarily because their focus was on airport project speed and bond re-payment and not on the project itself. They were motivated by their own public perception in the political realm. Their hands-off approach was detrimental in the success of this project and served more as a crutch and hinderance. When it came to asking for support it matte like they were working against us and not with us. Their grueling cause was not in project management but they had the power to make profound decisions which influenced and affected our overall success.The added pressure of paying the DBO by Jan 1, 1994 forced quick management decisions, early construction without a full scope analysis and risk mitigation not just with BAE but also with DIA. Forced the Build-Design approach which inherently greatly affected our ability to survey given the lack of adherence to the agreed conditions. success with United Airlines Once the contract was signed with United exclusively thi ngs went smoothly. The successful implementation of the baggage system with United highlighted what was lacking in dealing with DIA and City directly.The success highlighted and confirmed our ability to manage the project with a partner who understood the technical and project management needs. Part 5 Alternatives and/or Options Alternative A Continue with the contract for installing the baggage handling system conditional upon the following restructuring & requirements Hiring of new qualified members at DIA. 1. DIA to hire a use qualified Project Manager for the baggage handling system overall project with prior project management experience.One whom understands the recognize occupations, key players has a strong construction and technological background with project management skills to document, track, address and facilitate the communications between all DIA parties and that of BAE and City Administration. A distinct definition of this persons role, decision-making authorit y and sponsorship by Senior Management is critical. 2. DIA to hire a new Chief Airport Engineer with strong decision making and leadership skills with the autonomy to make decisions and propose Gail Edmond work under him/her as Chief Associate Engineer. . The new Project Managers goal is to gather all appropriate key stakeholders as proposed in Appendix 1 to conduct 3 main initial sessions with all key stakeholders (*see Appendix 1) to I. admit a full risk assessment whereby identifying all risks, prioritise them, have an action plan to assuage some of them, formulate contingency plans and assign responsible persons to manage the risks. II. Establish a Project target area Statement, and Create a new project skipper plan, III. aggroup member establishment Establish who key players are, their strengths, weaknesses, outlining roles and create a RACI matrix *See Appendix 2 for DIA, BAE, and City for roles and responsibilities for all planning and execution tasks of the project 4. Ci ty to hire or appoint a qualified Liaison with construction, engineering and or technical background experience who is solely assigned to this project with no other conflicting priorities with the autonomy to make decisions.This persons role is to ensure that regulation doesnt interfere or adversely cause timing risks to the project plan and expedite issues/roadblocks when they arise between DIA, BAE and the city. This proposal is supported by the fact that our design has proven it pull up stakes work given the proper management setup framework as demonstrated by our successful implemention of the new baggage handling system with United Airlines. The current lack of the right project team members bequeath be addressed by this new proposed structure. With the right sponsorship and roject management setup, this allow for encourage all to be on the same page and working towards the same goal. The added usefulness of this is that timelines result be clear and visible and get out hold those truly responsible for delays in their respective areas and help them and all team members understand the domino affect and impact it can have on the entire project as a whole. This will discourage the current work silo mentality and will promote an integrated skirmish of the minds where risks and opportunities for improvement can be quickly identified, communicated and cascaded to the right people.This will also ensure that the right decision makers are symbolise to make judgement calls on plan changes as they come along and not further hold up the process. This should put the plan back on target and give us a working plan going forward where all key players are informed, consulted and responsible for outcomes. The cost of setting up this new structure is by far a more economical way to get the task done without the added financial burden of creating a new backup system. Pros * Renewed Focus on project with key roles and responsibilities outlined sets clear goals, accou ntability and ownership. Address risks and enable the team to subside them * Clear direction and leadership by all stakeholders and their inputs * Expedite critical milestones and ensure we are on the path * Maintain reputation * No further $ investment for backup system Cons * New hires required Alternative B Cancel the contract with Denver. end involvement in any further development unless directly contracted by Carriers. Pros * Focus on core business Cons * Damaged reputation for BAE * judicial proceeding costs * $12k / day penalty Law suit risk Pay back of $50M Baggage system backup plan Part 6 Recommendations and Implementation Recommendation Based on my analysis the strategic impact of cancelling the project at this point would further create a bad reputation for BAE, oddly considering the current damage already made to BAE by the unsolicited test plan executed by the mayor and the bad press that has already caused. The decision to continue with the project conditional upo n a new team structure is a reasonable request given our past successful history and project management expertise.I feel that we have a strong argument for our position backed up by facts that are undeniable and can thus prove our innocence and lack of responsibility for the delay. This will prove to be a sensitive topic as it appears that it is easier to blame us for the delays. With a mutual taking into custody about the current situation, I believe it will be easier to convince the Mayor and Aviation theatre director the value the new structure would bring and that a new backup system is not the answer and would cause unnecessary further financial burden, hurt relationships and bad press which no one wants.The success of BAE in installing Uniteds baggage system will be highlighted as an example of the right team structure and how we can achieve the same if we are united in the goal and agree to this plan. Recommendations Implementation Plan Some of the short term elements of th e recommendations are already completed or in progress such as building our case / position with regards to reasons for the delays. The following outlines the steps required to make this happen. Task Responsible Timing Build case.Engage with Project Manager BAE to identify original plan & milestones and detailed reasons for incomplete tasks. Prepare PPT presentation with key dataWrite back to City Mayor, acknowledging letter and request for a formal meeting to present response with a set date. BAE Project MgrBAE Admin agent DiFonso 3 days2 days1 day clear to meet with DIA coach of Aviation to present challenges/issues faced throughout the project and the delay outcome. Explain the current position we are in with regards to the citys demands with the objective to gain support for the new proposed structure. cistron DiFonso 1 day fixed Invite DIA conductor of Aviation & City Mayor to formal meeting to present project delay reasons/issues & recommendation for law of continuation o f project with recommended structure Gene DiFonso 1 day (fixed) Prepare & Present the proposed structure and Project police squad Method Matrix and explain its cruciality and past effectiveness in other successful projects and why this is necessary even if a backup baggage system is implemented Gene DiFonso 3 days Assume DIAs buy in and that it takes DIA 1 month to hire Project Manager and restructure the Project Management team up Director of Aviation 30 days Work with new Project Management Team to identify construction risks that interfere with our design/implementation plans & come up with alternate solutions. Gene DiFonso & PMT 1 week give rise new Strategy with new key Milestones Gene DiFonso, 2 weeks Obtain Buy-In & Committment from key stakeholders City Mayor, Director of Aviation 1 day (fixed Total 9 weeks 1st Meeting with new Project Team Members Any critical changes to the original plans will be reported promptly to DIA Project Manager and voiced in Team Mee tings. Any critical plan changes will equire Sponsor sign offs (acknowledgment and approval of change to plan for reasons outside BAEs control) before BAE continues with implementation. Part 7 Monitor and Control * Weekly knowledgeable meetings with BAEs project management team will be conducted to keep pulse on project timelines and areas of risk. * Attend weekly Project Meeting Team meetings to identify risks, action items, schedule changes and react to them. * Submit bi-weekly reports on status to key sponsors & stakeholders. * Hold periodic review meetings with Sponsors Part 8 Conclusion In conclusion, the current difficulties we are experiencing with DIA and City Administration has served as a costly example of lack of poor management structure for a project of this magnitude.Our past successes can speak for itself in approaching DIA and City Mayor for their support to the new proposal found on our experience. If this new approach is accepted, this will husband BAE millions of dollars in lawsuits and cost of new baggage system as charged by the City Mayor. The optics of acquiring back on track, having a strong management team and continuing with the original plan will serve in favour of all, the Mayor, our shareholders, as well as redeem our own reputation as leaders in the market. We will then be positioned without a tarnished brand and enjoy further exploitation opportunities. Part 9 References, Exhibits and Appendixes Appendix 1 New Project Management Team Structure Appendix 2 RACI Matrix example (for initial phase) of new structure